How to get better Customer Service

Getting good customer service in the Philippines is a complex thing. It’s not as simple as giving more than what is expected. It’s basically understanding the Filipino psychology. Here’s the vlog:

Personalities & Situations

It takes time to know a person. Since it takes about sometime to get the truest glimpse of a personality, getting to know someone can at times become a dreadful process. Talk about dating. But, here’s a quick way to go about it. Here’s vlog on personality-situation association:

Mean What You Say

Has “kumusta” become a common expression that people often regard this as mere prompt and not some conversation starter? Check out this vlog on how to translate 5 commonly used Tagalog/Filipino expressions:

Why Am I Single?

After a walk from the national museum, prompted by a nearby old cathedral, my friend, who happens to be in a, I must say, fulfilling relationship, directed a question to me: “Are you open to getting married, if that ever is possible?” It took me a few seconds to sort my cognitive and emotional processes,…

Why do we desire to be in a romantic relationship?

Why do we desire to be in a romantic relationship? And why do we ever self-loathe when we get heartbroken? Social and Evolutionary Psychology’s Terror Management Theory posits that human beings are anxious of the idea of death. This creates this psychological tension that agitates the human psyche. This is better managed by embracing cultural…

Of Dating Patterns in the Age of Tinder

I open this orange flame application. I start swiping to the right, and left; and at times, I pause then I continue to swipe to the right, and left. I base my decision on what I see, primarily. I secondarily read through the profile, which often has random self-attestations, which don’t show so much in…

The Happy Thoughts of Collecting

I know of people who are geeks when it comes to collecting action figures. There are those who like to collect Mattel’s Barbie dolls, which come down as they age. Others like porcelains and crystals, and the list goes down. But it just makes me wonder why people do so. Is there any motivation or desire…